#Come installare wolfncu skins skin
On the top panel, you can change the Skin name and the Medianav Version. If the skin exists Top panel The image above will appear. On Edit Skin page, different actions can be done depending on whether the skin exists or not. You can delete your Account including your Details and Skins by clicking the red button Delete Account. When you alter New Password field, Change Password button will appear. You can change your Password by inserting your current password and then inserting a new one. When you alter Name field, Save Details button will appear. On this panel, you can add a Skin, or edit it if it already exists, by clicking the Icon near Skin name.

You can edit them, change your password or delete your account by clicking Edit button. On this panel, you can see your user details. No one can decrypt them, since they are encrypted using a one-way algorithm. Password are stored encrypted in database. If you don't have an account, after clicking Register, insert your name, your email address and a password. If you have an issue, and you are not able to fix it reading the instructions below, please contact me at.